Janes Avenue Road Project

Janes Avenue Road Project: 75th Street to Spring StreetPublic Works will be overseeing a roadway construction project on Janes Avenue from 75th Street to Spring Street near Janes Avenue Park. This section of road was last resurfaced in 2010, and since 2015 extensive patching has been done to the road. The pavement structure is showing signs of failure and resurfacing the top layer of asphalt is no longer cost-effective. The project was awarded to K-Five Construction, and they will be removing 1.5 feet of the roadway. Janes Avenue will be done in two stages to work on one side of the road at a time. This will restrict the road from three lanes to one lane to provide a safe work zone. Starting at Spring Street, Northbound traffic will only be allowed down Janes Avenue for both stages of construction. Side streets and driveways will have access to Janes Avenue, but they will only be permitted to turn Northbound towards 75th Street. Southbound Janes Avenue will be restricted starting at the driveway entrance closest to Dunkin’ Donuts south of 75th Street. A detour route will be posted that utilizes Woodward Avenue from 75th Street to 83rd Street for traffic wanting to head Southbound on Janes Avenue. One-way, Northbound traffic is planned to begin tentatively on Wednesday, April 24, and will continue through the end of summer.

Janes Ave Road Project Map of Detour and Closure


What is the purpose of the Janes Avenue Road Project?

Where is the Janes Avenue Road Project taking place?

What will the detour look like for this project?

How long will this project take?

This project seems like it will take a long time. How was the timeline for this project determined?

I live on Janes Avenue, will I have access to my driveway?

I live off of a side street on Janes Avenue, will I still have access?

Who is completing the Janes Avenue Road Project?

What does this project entail? What work is being completed?

Why are there markings around my yard or driveway?

I live near this road project, will there be any delays to my garbage service, EMS, or school bus pickups?

Will the timing of stop lights be changed during this time period to help handle the influx of bypass traffic?

I have additional questions, who should I contact?

Where can I read the initial communication that was mailed to impacted residences and businesses on April 11, 2024?