Community roll call & Upcoming Events

Community Roll CallsWhat is a roll call?
A roll call is a brief meeting at the start of every patrol shift (morning 0600 hrs, evening 1800 hrs) when police department supervisors meet with oncoming patrol officers to: take attendance, check equipment, and inform the oncoming shift of any important and relevant information.  A normal roll call is held in the Police department's squad room.

What is a community roll call?
At a community roll call, attendees have the opportunity to meet the patrol officers assigned to the area (i.e., the “beat”) and discuss local police issues, learn about the active partnership between the police department and Woodridge residents, and learn about crime trends.

How do I host a community roll call?
If you're interested in hosting a community roll call in your neighborhood, please contact Shaun O'Connor from the Community Outreach Unit. 

Community Roll Call at Village Hall in April of 2023