Lemont Road/Trammell Crow Project

Project Description

The developer and contract purchaser, Trammell Crow Company, was granted site plan approval on June 15, 2023 by the Village Board to construct a 217,100 square foot speculative industrial building with up to 33 dock doors, 270 parking spaces, and three surface detention basins to be located on the southern, eastern and western portions of the site. The development is located at 8116 Lemont Road (previously 8110-8118 Lemont Road and 8200 Dunham Road) consisting of approximately 17 acres.

Status of Construction

  • Demolition Permits:  Submitted on August 17, 2023 and issued on September 9, 2023. Site clearing and demolition of the homes commenced shortly after the issuance of the permit and is completed as of October 1, 2023.
  • Site Mass Grading Permit: Submitted on August 18, 2023 and issued on October 13, 2023. Work is expected to start immediately (pending weather) and last for 2-3 weeks.
  • Building Permit: Submitted on September 12, 2023 and issued on October 13, 2023.
  • Monday, November 6, 2023: The contractor will be clearing brush in the Dunham Road right-of-way in order to install the new storm sewer in the road.
  • Monday, November 27, 2023: All pre-pour concrete footing and foundation inspections for the building have been completed. According to the superintendent, the tentative date for the precast walls to be stood up/installed is December 7, 2023.
  • Wednesday, February 13, 2024:  The contractor is working on the west end of the property where the berm will be placed to screen the residential homes off of Meadowwood Avenue. The large dirt pile is a temporary stock pile of top soil that was removed from the site in order to construct the foundation of the building. The contractor will be working in this area for the next several weeks (weather dependent) removing the top soil and replacing it with the permanent material that will stabilize the berm. 
  • Monday, April 15, 2024: The contractor is pouring the internal concrete floor and painting the exterior of the building.

Links & Resources


Questions & Answers Pertaining to the Trammell Crow Development

Who is the developer of the property? 
The developer is Trammel Crow Company. Their company’s website is https://www.trammellcrow.com/
What is the Zoning on the Property?
The property is zoned Office Research and Light Industrial (ORI).
What are the uses permitted in the ORI District?
View the zoning code district here.
What is the building setback of the building from residentially zoned property to the west?
The proposed office/warehouse building is approximately 387 feet from the rear lot line of the residential properties to the west.
What is the line of site from the adjacent properties?
See image below which illustrates the line of sites from each property line
line of site from adjacent properties
What will happen to Dunham Road?
Dunham Road is owned and maintained by the Village of Woodridge. The developer will repave the roadway up until the property located at 8211 Dunham Road. A turn around will be constructed in order to allow Village vehicles proper access to the roadway. The remaining unimproved portions of Dunham Road will not be changed.

Dunham Road Turnaround Rendering
What jurisdiction is Lemont Road under?
The County of DuPage has jurisdiction over any improvements and access to Lemont Road Lemont Road. A permit from DuDot will be required for any work within the Lemont Road right-of-way. The permit will be required before final approval is issued.
How many vehicles drive on Lemont Road every day?
The developer submitted a traffic study created by KLOA dated May 11, 2023. Their report states the following on page 4,Lemont Road is under the jurisdiction of the DuPage County Division of Transportation (DuDOT), has a posted speed limit of 40 miles per hour (mph), and carries an average daily traffic (AADT) volume of 28,544 vehicles north of 83rd Street (DuDOT 2014)."
How much traffic will be generated from this development?
The developer submitted a traffic study created by KLOA dated May 11, 2023. You can view the entire Traffic Impact Study here. Their report states the following on page 11:

traffic study findings
How will the properties to the west and south be screened from the building and parking area?
To the West, a 21 foot tall berm measured from the existing grade to the residential property to the peak of the berm. To the South, a five foot tall berm along the southern property line and a thirteen foot tall berm behind the curb line of the drive-aisle to screen the loading docks all measured from the existing grade to the peak of the berm
What is the proposed height of the building?
40 feet
How will the property address stormwater?
The Village and DuPage County work jointly on a variety of stormwater and water quality issues. There are three detention basins proposed on the property that will utilize native plantings. The detention ponds will be connected to the storm sewer that will be constructed as part of this development.
What sound will be generated from this site?
At this time, there is no known user for the property; however, a sound study was completed by the applicant to make some assumptions in order to predict the sound levels from the proposed office/warehouse operations. The sound study can be found here.
How many trees will be removed from the property?
The proposed landscape plan shows all of the trees being removed (approximately 1,122) and then landscaped per the landscape plan found here. The Village requires a tree preservation plan that identifies trees on the property and their condition. The majority of the trees on the property were ranked a 2, which per the tree inventory report means, “A rating of 2 was given to a tree that, while potentially typical of the species, has some visible damage, minor sweep or lean, distorted shape, trunk or bark damage, multiple stems, or generally poor physical quality."
What are construction hours in the Village?
  • Construction hours between September 1 and May 31- No construction, erection, excavation, or any other process of building whatsoever, shall be performed within the village before the hour of ten o’clock (10:00) A.M. or after the hour of five o’clock (5:00) P.M. on any Sunday, or before the hour of seven o’clock (7:00) A.M. or after seven o’clock (7:00) P.M. on any other day.
  • Construction hours between June 1 and August 31- No construction, erection, excavation, or any other process of building whatsoever, shall be performed within the village before the hour of ten o’clock (10:00) A.M. or after the hour of five o’clock (5:00) P.M. on any Sunday, or before the hour of seven o’clock (7:00) A.M. or after nine o’clock (9:00) P.M. on any other day.